Preschool within Little Jungle childcare is for all toddlers aged 27 months to 4 years. Going to preschool is important for all toddlers. Visting a pre-school and participate to an early-school education programme (VVE), children are prepared for the transition to primary school. Toddlers of both working, and non-working parents stay together in the group and discover how much fun it is to play with other children.
Playing is learning
At Little Jungle childcare, we encourage children’s development with the VE programme Uk & Puk. We work thematically on language and mathematical development, social skills and motor skills. We do this mainly by playing a lot, because… playing is learning! Our certified professionals carefully design all kinds of activities, so that your child learns all kinds of new things while playing.
Subsidised preschool
Toddlers attend preschool for 8 hours a week during school weeks, subsidised by the municipality of Eindhoven. Children with a VE indication (issued by the health care office) attend 16 hours a week. The extra 8 hours are always free of charge.
The preschool costs depend on your situation and whether or not there is a special needs indication.
Our staff make sure your child has a fantastic day!